Category Archives: Business Development

Why not to be the lowest bidder

How does your construction business win work today? If you’re like the hundreds of typical contractors, you’re probably getting on bid lists, bidding work, following up (maybe!) and being awarded projects as the “lowest qualified bidder.” It works, right? Your ability to secure competitive pricing from vendors and subs, and your confidence in operations to […]

How to win without being the low bidder

This is a good article.  although it has a construction contractor focus, the principles can be applied to any industry. “But all this customer cares about is low price!” We hear this line daily as a defense of longheld beliefs that their darned customers just don’t care about value over price. Here’s a new belief […]

8 ways to build your brand

Contractors often downplay marketing efforts and instead rely on word-of-mouth connections, but a few simple steps can help find new clients, says a construction branding expert. Your potential clients are inundated with choices, so if your brand lacks a distinctive story, you’ll struggle to stand out. A brand story goes beyond the basics of what […]