Category Archives: Federal Governement Contracting

The most recession-proof sectors for construction

Contractors’ safest bet remains federally funded work, while private jobs could dry up during a recession, experts say.  Whether a recession hits the economy in the near term remains under debate, but industry experts suggest now is the time for construction firms to prepare to weather a slowdown.  Learn more:

Back to Basics: Affiliation, An Overview

Affiliation is quite possibly one of the scariest words to small business government contractors. And it is easily one of the most misunderstood concepts in SBA’s small business regulations. Perhaps the widespread fear and misunderstanding are due to the fact that there are so many potential bases for affiliation listed in SBA’s rules–or the fact […]

SBA Final Rule Eases Use of Small Business Joint Venture and Subcontractor Past Performance

SBA has issued a final rule that should help small businesses demonstrate their past performance more easily. Perhaps most importantly, the rule will allow for a small business to receive a written performance record, similar to CPARS, showing its performance as a subcontractor to a large business prime. The new rule will also allow a […]

Biden, DOT propose Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program updates

The White House and DOT have proposed updates to regulations for the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, which aims to prevent discrimination and remedy ongoing effects of past discrimination against small firms owned and controlled by disadvantaged individuals. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking was published on July 21.  Read more

Leaving OHA Email on “Unread” still Counts as Receipt For Appeal Timing Rules

The SBA’s OHA administrative judges recently sent a warning to all small business contractors that they need to keep an eye on their email inboxes no matter how late in the business day it is. In a size appeal decision, OHA found that even an unread email could derail a contractor’s plans for a size […]

GSA’s Small Business Works Virtual Event: Navigating Equity in Procurement is July 26-27, 2022

Mark Your Calendar: GSA’s Small Business Works Virtual Event: Navigating Equity in Procurement is July 26-27, 2022 On July 26-27, the GSA Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization will host a no-cost virtual training event. The two-day event will provide training for the small business community and federal acquisition workforce. This is your opportunity […]

Department of Defense Unveils Plan to Address Effects of Inflation on Contracts

Inflation. A word no one likes, but it is something that is currently impacting nearly every facet of our lives. Gas prices continue to rise, grocery costs are through the roof, and everyday living expenses are taking more hard-earned money from our country’s workers than ever before. However, consumers are not the only ones feeling […]

Breaking: SBA Issues Veteran-Owned Certification Rules

The SBA has issued its draft rules on how it will go about certifying Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSBs) and Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs). Below, we highlight some of the main components of these rules. The changes stem from Congress’s requirement in the 2021 NDAA to eliminate SDVOSB self-certification and adopt a government-wide SDVOSB certification […]

Back to Basics: EDWOSB Eligibility

by Stephanie Ellis Last week, Nicole Pottroff went through the basics of eligibility for participation in the SBA’s Women-Owned Small Business (“WOSB”) Federal Contracting Program. Today, I’ll walk you through the additional eligibility requirements for participation in SBA’s Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (“EDWOSB”) Program as stated in 13 C.F.R. § 127.200(a). Read More Here:

Back to Basics: WOSB Eligibility

by Nicole Pottroff To level the playing field for women business owners, the Federal Government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses participating in SBA’s Women-Owned Small Business (“WOSB”) Federal Contracting Program. Ideally, those contracts are for specific industries where WOSBs are historically underrepresented. And in fact, the Government even has certain WOSB contracting goals to encourage such […]